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A note about prom bouquets and searching for them on the internet…

I have an urgent message going out to all local high school girls that are looking through photos on Pinterest and other online sources for inspiration for their prom bouquets… Please be aware that most of the photos that you are seeing when you do a search for “prom bouquets” are not prom bouquets at all…they are bridal bouquets.  For whatever reason, Pinterest is not picking up on the word “PROM” and are returning too many results that are wedding bouquets. Now…why is this an issue?  The last dozen or so teens that have come in the shop with a…

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A Few Notes about Prom Season

Prom Season officially begins in March and will last for 4 to 6 weeks.  We will receive dozens upon dozens of orders in March through April.  Here are a few observations and suggestions I can offer to make your prom experience, at least in regards to flowers, a little less stressful. 1.  Order early.  If you pay attention to our Facebook page, you know that this is my mantra for most every major holiday and event.  You cannot early too early.  However, on the flip side, you can indeed wait until it’s too late.  Why, you might ask?  After all,…

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