
Valley's Leading Local Florist

Valley's award winning florist, serving the area since 1970

Featured Products

Same Day Delivery

Same Day Delivery is available for most orders if we receive the order before Noon Eastern time. Not guaranteed during the week prior to Valentine's Day or Mother's Day

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flower shop counter house of flowers valley al

Why order from the House of Flowers?

  • We are the oldest and most experienced florist in the area
  • Our owner/designer was awarded 3rd place in the last Designer of the Year competition at the Alabama State Florist Association's annual convention
  • Voted “Best Florist” in a poll by our local newspaper 
  • Every product featured on this site was created and/or prepared by our owner and designer, and photographed right here in our shop.  
  • Our owner has been featured in several national trade publications, including a 4 page cover article in Floral Management magazine, detailing his excellence in small town shop innovation and growth
  • No other shop in our area can match our quality of products and our dedication to providing superior customer service

Are you in the area?

Drop by our shop and we'll create a beautiful design in just a matter of minutes!