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Flower Spotlight: Sunflowers

The sunflower isn’t unusual. It’s normally not a flower that people go bonkers over trying to get. It’s actually quite common, and some may wonder how it even finds its way from the field into arrangements. Those who overlook its beauty don’t realize that they are missing out on a pretty awesome flower! History Sunflowers are native to North America and were cultivated by Native Americans as far back as 3000 BCE. By the 1500’s, the sunflower had made its way to Europe and was grown as an ornamental, before becoming popular for its oil. Russian farmers were the first…

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Get Happy With Flowers

Flowers are beautiful, colorful, and add some brightness to a dull world. But the appearance of flowers actually affects people’s moods.  The House of Flowers offers beautiful and cheerful bouquets and arrangements that can help brighten the house and your mood. According to, flowers can actually make you happier and have a positive effect on our minds. In a ten month long study done be researchers at Rutgers University, they found that flowers immediately impact a person’s happiness. When study participants received flowers they all showed excited or true smiles. They also found that flowers can have a long-term effect…

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